"The older I get, the more my ideas about age change. I recently turned 60, but unlike when I turned 40 or 50, my age no longer feels like an important part of my identity. When I was younger, I worried more about my age because I was so worried about becoming 'successful in life,' and in many cases, society gives us a deadline for those accomplishments. cheap dildos If your silicone retains a scent from usage (and it probably will) simply leave it out in the open where flowing air can get to it, or sit it in the sun for a couple of hours. These methods can help if boiling or bleaching doesn't do the trick. If none of the methods work, try storing your toy with a potpourri pouch of natural things such as vanilla or coffee beans, and never put a store bought potpourri with your toy as these have chemicals in them. cheap dildos G spot vibrator Where in the world wholesale vibrators do you get 'There are many bisexual women who heedlessly fool around with other wo...